Dr. Chirag Mittal
Cornea Surgeon & Eye Specialist
Dr. Himani Mittal
Newborn & Child Specialist
Superspeciality Centre for Eyes & Childhood Diseases

Commonly known as “Strabismus”, where the eyes are not aligned in the same direction, this can be present only part of the time, in one or alternating between two eyes. The squinting may turn in (converge), turn out (diverge) or sometimes turn up or down. When considering options for squint surgery, you might be wondering what causes it- Is it by birth, accidental, or hereditary?
Our eye expert, Dr. Chirag Mittal, recommends consulting with doctors for squint eye to discuss the correct balance of muscles, potential benefits of laser eye surgery for squint, the use of eye drops, and addressing any muscle tension that may be contributing to the issue. Squint surgery can help correct the misalignment and improve vision for those affected by this condition.
What About Childhood Squint?
If the squint is suspected, then it is necessary to evaluate the baby at the earliest. Sometimes a “Pseudo Squint” may be present due to a wide gap between the eyes, flat nose bridge where the eyes do appear misaligned but do not actually have the squint. The causes are:
Congenital Squint– These children are born with a squint though it may not be obvious for few weeks. A strong family history could be present. In all children, the vision and need for spectacles have to be assessed.
Long Sightedness or Hypermetropia– As the child cannot focus well, he has to put extra effort to focus, which can cause a double vision. To avoid this, the image in one eye is suppressed unconsciously and in turn, the child avoids using that eye. If left untreated not only does the eye deviate but also becomes a lazy Eye (Amblyopia).
Childhood illnesses- Squint may also develop because of viral fever, measles, meningitis etc
Injury to the nerves
Is Squint Eye Only A Cosmetic Problem?
Not always. It can be associated with decreased vision or diplopia (double vision). Loss of binocular vision (ability to use the Eyes together) can lead to loss of fine stereopsis (depth perception) and peripheral visual field.
How Can The Squint Be Assessed?
It is assessed by various orthoptics test, the aim of which is to:
Establish the amount and type of Squint eye
Assess how well can the Child / Adult see = refraction
Test for Binocular Vision
Fundus examination including fixation pattern
Treatment Options For Childhood Squint
The child is thoroughly assessed by doctors for squint eye to determine the type of squint and eye alignment, as it is very important to note the vision and fixation pattern in both eyes. The spectacle power and degree of squint will be examined till he grows up. Any residual squint that may not be corrected by spectacle can be corrected by squint surgery. In rare cases, laser eye surgery for squint may be necessary for young children. Few eye diseases like:
1. Amblyopia / Lazy Eye
This is treated by Patching/Occluding the good eye. The weaker eye is encouraged to work harder with daily visual activities such as colouring and reading while a patch is on. It is important to also focus on the inner eyelid to prevent any further loss of vision.
2. Squint Surgery
Sometimes squint correction surgery is the only choice to straighten the eye, especially in cases of severe squint. If done by an eye specialist at the appropriate time, the results can be very good and 3D vision can develop.
Will More Than One Surgery Be Required For Corrected Squint Eyes?
It is not uncommon for more than one operation to be necessary in squint surgery. This does not mean that something has gone wrong, but that fine-tuning is needed by the ophthalmologist to obtain the best straight alignment. Sometimes the Squint is too Large and hence a 2-stage Surgery with small incisions in different directions is planned.
Will Straightening My Eyes After All These Years Cause Me To See Double?
Double Vision may occur after squint eye surgery to straighten eyes that have been out of alignment for many years. This may also lead to a temporary loss of depth perception, which typically lasts only a few weeks until the brain adapts to the new eye position. It is important to consult with your eye care provider, in addition to your family doctor, about the expected recovery time, especially if you are over 40 years of age.
What Happens After The Operation?
It is a day Care Surgery with no hospitalization. The eye pad is removed the next day and eyedrops are instilled a couple of times during the next weeks. Since it is an external surgery there are no side effects on the vision. Most of the times external sutures are absorbable and do not have to be removed. Though the eyes may be red initially, there are no complications and a person can join back his office in a couple of days.
After reading this article, you might be wondering how you can address your issues with squinting and abnormal eye movement. The simplest and most effective way would be to visit a trained eye care professional who could conduct a thorough eye examination in the operating room, diagnose any underlying medical ailments causing your squinting, and treat them, as correcting squint now is entirely possible.
Frequently Asked Question
1. Can Yoga Cure Squint?
While yoga can't cure squint (strabismus) completely, certain exercises and practices can help improve eye coordination, strengthen eye muscles, and potentially reduce eye strain, which can be beneficial as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
2. How Do Adults Fix Squint Eyes?
Squint, also known as strabismus, is a condition where the eyes do not align properly. In adults, eye muscle surgery is one of the most common treatments for squints. During this procedure, the surgeon adjusts the position of the eye muscles to improve alignment and correct the squint. It is typically performed under general anesthesia and has a high success rate in straightening the eyes. However, other treatment options such as vision therapy or wearing prism glasses may be recommended depending on the severity and underlying cause of the squint. It is essential to consult with an ophthalmologist to determine the most suitable treatment approach for individual cases of squint in adults.
3. Is Squint Eyes Genetic?
Strabismus, commonly known as crossed eyes, has been acknowledged as a hereditary condition for centuries. This means that there is a high likelihood of it being passed down from parent to child. However, genetics is not the sole factor influencing strabismus; environmental factors and other underlying health issues can also play a role in its development. Early detection and treatment are crucial in managing strabismus to prevent further complications such as vision problems or amblyopia (lazy eye). If left untreated, strabismus can impact a person's depth perception and overall quality of life. Consulting with an eye care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment options is essential for individuals with strabismus or those at risk due to family history.
4. Is Squint Surgery Painful?
Surgery for squints, also known as strabismus surgery, is typically not a painful procedure. Patients may experience some discomfort in the days following the operation, but this can usually be managed with pain medication prescribed by the surgeon. It's common for patients to feel some soreness, swelling, or itching around the eye area after surgery. However, these symptoms are temporary and should subside as the eye heals. It is essential for patients to follow post-operative care instructions provided by their healthcare provider to ensure a smooth recovery process and optimize the results of the surgery. In most cases, squint surgery is successful in correcting misaligned eyes and improving visual function, ultimately enhancing the patient's quality of life.
5. How Long does it take for laser eye surgery for Squint?
A squint laser eye operation typically takes between 30 to 60 minutes to complete. During the procedure, the ophthalmologist will use a laser to make precise adjustments to the eye muscles, correcting the alignment of the eyes. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, and patients can expect minimal discomfort during the process. After the operation, patients may experience some mild discomfort or blurry vision, but this should subside within a few days as the eyes heal. It is essential for patients to follow post-operative care instructions provided by their healthcare provider to ensure optimal recovery and successful outcomes from the squint laser eye operation.